Hardcore gay sex comics

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įor those seeking really well-done crossdressing, sissification, and domination play, be sure to check out the subplot following Alfie’s mom, Vera, as she embarks on a kinky sex odyssey with a rich, queer, horny elf named Ailduin. If you haven’t checked it out yet, and why the HELL haven’t you read this yet, the whole thing starts right here with. The art is gorgeous, the story is entertaining, the characters are memorable and sexy, and the sex scenes are unlike anything else out there.Įven after 9 chapters, and just under 600 pages, it just keeps getting hotter. It’s just all around an incredible fucking read. I think that it’s safe to say at this point that Alfie is kinda the gold standard for not only fantasy themed sex webcomics, but for adult webcomics in general.

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It has been a hot minute since I made a list of awesome sex comics for y’all to check out! Usually I’m here raving about queer furry comics (see 5 Awesome Hardcore Furry Femboy Porn Comics and 4 More Awesome Hardcore Furry Femboy Porn Comics) but this time I though I’d focus in on another genre of porn art I love: high-fucking-fantasy.īesides, there may still be femboys and furries here too cause they’re kinda a staple of fantasy erotica, so, bonus.Īnyway, here it is, 3 of the best NSFW fantasy webcomics you can read right now:

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